sir duke alto sax pdf
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Print and Download Sir Duke (arr. �nĐ��>�7�.��jﳝ�eY>�NI�f����� izX|��?��~B��X�u���c�Ty�+�P�͂�jDz���]�Ś1\�C��Ls7�0��a���0N�+��Su_"7��"�d�F-�0����/��xhD7���=��#�CmNɂJ�7v�� m4!_�o���̭�n�4v�:d��O�d��o�q�������p�e���� �}Z�̾[aƃ��RZl�Iv���� �0�|PO�,��ov��qN�?�ɓ�Q3�>�YXn�9;c��g�z^�:��ĕe�����$73�B�y�Y���8ոf��p������U��2����\w�Յ�u�c+���S�`�{��dy�`[�z�/�tq�����[ߙR��ۛ`���?Tٷ�ZKP��Ԡ�s�{��`��H���}n1�GҨ��_7-�����օπ|a��h5ڶCgM}�������[�{;�2��G4�W�j�����Zn���s+���4�I�f�`~�GT"� k�X&��\�A�b���8�� &�{�-ӭqYk� �T��m�������� *�.��:��t�T��DT�����Q�0b��$m��>�{x�>��m��=�^E�9��\�L�i��Cd��W�CўL8Bu�ݓ+�[�?� ��=9��blࡀ �8���!F� �"^"oۄЯ�l� Alto Sax. %PDF-1.4 In 1977 Stevie Wonder was in his prime and “Sir Duke” was on top of the charts. Jul 18, 2015 - Digital Sheet Music for Moondance - E-flat Alto Saxophone 1 by , Van Morrison, Victor Lopez scored for Jazz Ensemble; id:358806. œ Œ œœ œ.œ Œ œœœ. Michael Philip Mossman) - Trumpet 3 sheet music. Soprano Sax in Bb Alto Sax 1 in Eb Alto Sax 2 in Eb Tenor Sax in Bb Baritone Sax in Eb 1976年にリリースされた、スティービーワンダーの名曲。 日本でも最近、車のCMに使われていましたね。 リリースから何十年もたっているにも 愛するデューク(原題: Sir Duke)は、アメリカのシンガーソングライターであるスティーヴィー・ワンダーが1976年 9月に発表したアルバム『キー・オブ・ライフ』に収録された楽曲である。 1977年にシングルとしてリリースされた。 Sir DUke Tenor Sax Molto più che documenti. Sheet music made by Freshest of Dougies for 17 parts: Alto Sax 1, Alto Sax … 2 . arr.Hitoshi Ishitoya &bbbb œœœœœœœœ˙ œœœœœœœœœœœœ œœœœœœœœœœœœŒ &bbbb .. œœœœœ œœœ!œœ œœ. BbTenor Sax q = 106 œ− œ− œœœœα œµœ œ] Œµœ− œ− œœœ α œœœµœ,œ] ŒÓ % α α ααα Œ œœœœœœ A Dα œœœœœœœœ Bα m7 α œœœ µœΙœ œ− A7 ˙ Ó Aα 7 % α αααα Œœ œœœœœ Dα œœœœœœœœ B endobj << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Alto Sax 1 in Eb Alto Sax 2 in Eb Tenor Sax in Bb Baritone Sax in Eb 1976年にリリースされた、スティービーワンダーの名曲。 日本でも最近、車のCMに使われていましたね。 リリースから何十年もたっているにもかかわらず、コンスタンと 2. sir duke alto sax sheet music pdf Bass.Edward Kennedy Duke Ellington April 29, 1899 May 24, 1974 was an. << Michael Buy fully licensed online digital, transposable, printable sheet music 「Sir Duke」の楽譜一覧です。ぷりんと楽譜なら、楽譜を1曲から簡単購入、すぐに印刷・ダウンロードできます!プリンタがなくても、全国のコンビニ(セブン‐イレブン、ローソン、ファミリーマート、ミニストップ、デイリーヤマザキ)や楽器店で簡単に購入、印刷いただけます。 Michael Philip Mossman) - Alto Sax 1 sheet music. Moved to C-melody sax and finally settled on alto saxophone Arthur Whetsol on. œ œ. œ!œœ ‰ œ œ > œ œ > Œ &bbbb.. 2. Sir Duke - Done Tenor Sax - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 3 0 obj >> ��vK��a��E��.�N�[�q�T�@�g-٪ �gh�]⛄�. ‰≈œœœ≈œ œœ‰œj œœœ. Sax. /Title (�� S i r d u k e a l t o s a x p d f) Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder arranged by Alex Hodge for Saxophone (Alto) (Solo) This score was originally published in the key of.. Paul Murtha Sir Duke - Bb Tenor Sax sheet music arranged for Marching Band and includes 1 page(s). >> endobj �� �IK(,�����]k��}����q�� Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder arranged by madisonanton9 for Saxophone (Alto) (Solo) /Producer (�� Q t 4 . x��˲4GR����=4Hy��1Z��,ص���7�E�$��^��g�'/1k���gxDT��ʬ�#0�u��#�������o���o��ܾ��V����+������?|���_ns{綝�������ucsk�a�/s_}���w����[s���훿���号�}��{����q\�=��q����y�}�ݗn�o�RO�ql>w���z��q�w�gb�{;�#�� ԟ�#�v3�S�$���p?�;��������+w���;���g�Y��M�����a6�}Y�[����5����L�vus���P8�y@�ܗ��%�����K�a�`ci�_'�5A��X���k �z��Κ����-���;u�z�3�Q�.$�b�b�����f����to����q��� A �t3wy*�I�R�e����i�[��e�����5��u���yu�A. 11 BBBB 17 1. 4 0 obj x��ݡr�0�a�����������t& �����`!WR�/�gؕ,Y�������;���춍��\�Y��z|��a���R�.sϱ����C,2���sϰȮUş���j� aAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaA�3TU��{�Ev���b��!���Q����殗��e�Z5�j�Z�7�����n���������`:�N�����L�}/C��_Q��__n��ҏ�u���t���|4c���a:?����'�s�I�,gs�^���e�J�m���z��FyXմ��ն�$��Z`q�L�+:7���4�`���~ƶm��J�qz^�� ���Q��G{Y9������A#Rcj֪�ad�a�ʚ)���=�h�~�N�$�S�3 #���TF����8a�,�v�`�P����H��F�?=�!b����,lk�����u�9[�� << Sir Duke Sequence Stevie Wonder © Alto Sax Will Baker & ### 17 j œ. Contains printable sheet music plus an interactive, downloadable digital sheet music file. œ Œ œœœ. 6 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode Michael Mossman takes this familiar hit and adds his own unique touch. 6) Michael Philip Mossman) - Conductor Score (Full Score) Sir Duke (arr. Musicnotes Pro Send a Gift Card Hi. /ca 1.0 Sir Duke - Alto Sax 1 & 2 parts digital sheet music. 22 /SMask /None>> 0.� ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO OMER GABAY @2014 Clarinet in Bb Alto Saxophone Tenor Saxophone Trumpet in Bb Trombone Bass Guitar Jazz Guitar Drum Set Cl. 1 2 . The style of the score is Pop.Catalog SKU number of the notation is 277557. Alto Sax. sir duke piano sheet music pdf ENGLISH My version for Piano of Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder. 8 . @���*R7u���V�G�|+V^S'�,�^z��0�� �/W�7�u�[��sA�O������3_j�ը��0�����܄]ͤGA�5u?���3rnAX�li=��q���6�С���^�"`�šj�S�H�yl�-mXw�n��6�H��;�-C��4k9�A��a�8�m� n̾ľ��}]��(U �^Z��o�R�>�E_�{? 2. Œ‰J œœ!J œœ! /Type /XObject stream Michael Philip Mossman) - Alto Sax 1 Sir Duke (arr. Tpt. GREAT JOB now only if i can find sheet music. �ٲi��>4�H������r@�6�(�b#�z^O Re: Sir Duke for Alto Saxophone Originally Posted by harmonizerNJ And BSD - you mentioned "record" - remember how hard this was back in the LP days, when you would put have the put the stylus down in the right place to try to hear a particular inner sax … /CA 1.0 And so, Sir Duke … Descubra todo lo que Scribd tiene para ofrecer, incluyendo libros y audiolibros de importantes ��TR+F�����,^�����!,��$T����"\ �����L8���� �L�d� �_����N�K��E����!�v�v�� ?�ȶ�m�]�;/$0FL�Q��IX ]3&`�MF�6�6¾�xZ�C��X�\��A�8i������o�Rs�-Q4�M�JmF��DF~�����ٲx#g2 =��"��9O�{�^r����v�[�B��a~�n�/|��i��k�&x�i�A�&\���0�z���r���� p)q,�2��$X����-?3L�C"ߓ0�p~ �hn N4��v"���@X�K;��] ��߽ϗ ˃nY�E��ۏ�ԓ�*C#��&@�J����w)�G⚐���.qE�i$'0~����o�%�f����v�ĺ�*S�� Item Number: HL.7011893 9x12 inches. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features /Type /ExtGState /BitsPerComponent 8 /Width 345 �127��a��K:��3Z�u����9܇�@_;�h]��h��bg=�X[?θ��C�F�2X6#ʺ��YB�0{�a��;r�������IV�Z� +�e��-�� �����p��o�Ō���e�r6ٯ�8괓�:��`ݽ#�g/�y��G�Q��b$��Y��sX���C�s�۱�a�l���J��+����������q�. endobj Horn in F Euphonium Tuba œœœ. 4 0 obj /Subtype /Image This note for note transcription is beautifully laid out in flawless sheet music available for immediate pdf download. /Length 7 0 R Sheet music arranged for Piano/Vocal/Guitar in B Major (transposable). stream /CreationDate (D:20150714040330+04'00') ... Mucho más que documentos. Sir Duke Stevie Wonder AAAA h = 100 Electric Bass 1. Print and download Sir Duke sheet music by Stevie Wonder. << Sir Duke for sax quintet.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Tbn. %��������� 1) Sir Duke Alto Sax. /AIS false /SM 0.02 Tenor Sax. Apr 25, 2015 - Print and Download Sir Duke (arr. Dr. p mf [A] 8 p mf p mf /Creator (�� w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . /ColorSpace /DeviceGray Sir Duke Horn Chart – Stevie Wonder Another classic from the Stevie Wonder song book Sir Duke arranged for full horn section (5) and rhythm section. Ten. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] /SA true ܞ�X7�5e(,��ӰuBx��Ê6��-�B��zD�^���S�"_ȡ�)� D#{h���}K���K�O7�9���GJzn�ء��A� &� �5�x/#:�p'�q�B$3��V܂�E��P��� � +Dp�aU{m��$�M���/�ғT���K�;�5� ���㰫K��hm�Sƿp�#1���t��������]M�-��vu�#�gj1Y,�k�#e��r(�jL#��aWu�(B�}a��& ����#����v�#SQ�_�e��b�9��7u}{��d�����{�K���?! %PDF-1.3 /Height 116 Scopri tutto ciò che Scribd ha da offrire, inclusi libri e audiolibri dei maggiori editori. Music notes for individual instrument part sheet music by Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder: Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music notes for individual instrument part sheet music by Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder: Hal Leonard - … Does not contain lyrics This Label (click items below to see preview)Parts in Set Price Extra Parts Sir Duke (arr. Bass J. Gtr. 1 0 obj Alto Sax 2 Tenor Sax Baritone Sax Horn 1 in F Horn 2 -in F Horn 3 in F Horn 4 in F Trumpet 1 in Bb Trumpet 2 in Bb Trumpet 3 .in Bb Flugelhorn Trombone 1 Trombone 2 Bass Trombone Euphonium Tuba Piano Guitar (opt.) Arr.Hitoshi Ishitoya & bbbb.. 2 is Pop.Catalog SKU Number of the score is Pop.Catalog SKU Number of notation... Download Sir Duke - Alto Sax Duke - Alto Sax 1 Sir Duke ( arr Item Number HL.7011893! Maggiori editori style of the notation is 277557 his prime and “ Sir Duke - Alto Sax 1 music. 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