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female irish names

2021-01-12 10:01:56 作者: 所属分类:新闻中心 阅读:0 评论:0

In Northern Ireland they most often pronounce Caitlin as ‘Kate-lyn’, which is incorrect. This comes from the Gaelic word “aoibh,” which means beauty. What of Brosna. Kelsey: perhaps the choice of name by your parents was inspired by “Kells” (literally from “cill” – church – a popular place-name component in Ireland – Kilkenny, Kells – and also the name of the famous manuscript) or “Celts”? "; MUIRGEN: Irish Gaelic name meaning "born of the sea. Irish language names for girls are the perfect way to honor your Irish roots! This is the Irish form of Eve (Adam and Eve are Ádhamh agus Éabha in Irish). There is a dad’s on the last I but I don’t know how to get them on the phone. Commonly Anglicized as Erin. It’s a good list, no one could make an exhaustive list ffs. :o) sorry to disapoint you. May be related to the English name Eve. Is it an Irish name or not? Your email address will not be published. Irish Names and Meanings. Miscellaneous articles about Irish names The most popular name in Northern Ireland in recent years? Formerly obscure Irish names, such as Saoirse and Bellamy, are now rising in the US, and many of these choices could have similar trajectories. Aidan comes from the old Irish aed which means ‘fire’ with the -een meaning small, so ‘little fire’. Yes defintiely not an Irish name, there is no ‘K’ in the Irish alphabet! Emer (eemer) This name means "swift." my name is Claire which is Irish and it was not on there. Legend has it, her marriage was arranged by St. Patrick himself. Grace O'Malley was an Irish warrior princess. She gave birth to the mythological hero Cuchulainn’s only son, Connlach, and was the daughter of a king of Connacht. And when I was in New York on a working visa for a summer in 2001, my workmates used to think it was hillarious the way I pronounced my name, as they all would say “eyhnnee” phonetically, to my “Ahhnne” This name means beautiful, comely, and graceful. Flynn. Others are commonly encountered Irish versions of well known English names. LOL. It is a variation of Eileen. Very few Irish people use it but Americans have heard the expression Irish Colleen and think it’s a name. Grainne = most well known as a woman in an irish legend (graw-nya) Yes, that is the way people pronounce Anne in Ireland! Grow up!!!! Irish female names are popular for a variety of reasons. Another thing to note when choosing an Irish name is that different regions of ireland pronounce names differently. Except Aoife that is – as punishment for her evil deed she had been turned into a crow, doomed to roam the world in that form eternally. We can't wait to indulge our senses again in Ireland when the time is right, Coronavirus live updates: 51 deaths between RoI and NI, American bride's heartwarming journey to get married in her Irish ancestor's village, 100 Irish first names and their beautiful meanings, This Irish hero still receives Valentine’s Day cards nearly a century after his death, On this day: Irish revolutionary Countess Constance Markievicz born in 1868, WATCH: Guinness reminds us what it means to be great in new Super Bowl ad, The Irish driving force behind America's NFL, Cops fine Irishman for singing Fields of Athenry, order him to learn rest of words, Jamie Dornan to star in new quirky BBC thriller The Tourist, Northern Ireland border poll is "inevitable", says Rep. Brendan Boyle. It is not an Irish name. She placed a curse on them that forced them to spend 300 years at that lake followed by 300 years on a river opening to a stormy sea and 300 years at a frozen lake in the North. I’m from Ireland and I am an Irish speaker coming from an Irish speaking family. It also refers to light. I assume the letter “y” is not in the Irish alphabet, so there must be another phonetic spelling since it is a town in Ireland, yes? The husband is American and we live here now so I wanted a good traditional name. It is the feminine form of Fionn. Just sharing what Ive learnt. So contrary to what most people think, it has nothing to do with the continent. Caitlin, Cathleen: Pronounced Koit+leen, Kath+leen (the … Because people are wrong when they say it’s not an Irish name.. it is though the spelling is anglocized. In Irish it is Cailín which is pronounced colleen and means “girl”. Quite a few Irish saints had this name. The top Irish name for girls in the US is the surname-name Riley, a departure from the days when Kathleen and Bridget reigned as the most popular Irish names for girls. There are lots of Caitlins but they are pronounced ‘catch-lyn’ here in ROI. The -een is a diminutive, so little noble one. Though it sounds like it should mean Africa, it doesn’t. The Irish variant of “eve,” this name means beautiful and radiant. Modern Irish name generator . They’re unique, which is something a lot of … © Copyright 2021 Irish Studio LLC All rights reserved. Owen. It is on here but they have a different spelling for it. Niamh was the daughter of Manannan, the god of the sea, and was known as ‘Niamh of the Golden Hair’. There is also a famous legendary Irish narrative, “The pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne,” which is about the love triangle between Fionn MacCool, princess Grainne and Fianna member Diarmuid O’Dyna. Let us know in the comments, below! Published: November 30, 2008 | Updated: March 31, 2017 | Image Credits, The Vikings held sway in Ireland from 795 AD until defeated by Brian Boru at …. Rarely used as a name in Ireland, but popular in Irish communities in the USA and elsewhere. This name means "little rose," and has been used in Ireland since the sixteenth century. From ‘leanbh’ the Irish word for child, this is an affectionate usage of ‘child’, often translated as ‘darling child’. Irish Witch Names From Mythology. This name means “wise river.” The Irish form is Sionainn and it has many spelling variations, but it comes from ‘sion’ (wise) and ‘abhainn’ (river). This name means fair, white, beautiful. Just because a name that maybe a lot of Irish people have, doesn’t mean it’s Irish. It has been recorded as an Irish name as far back as the 11th Century and is still quite popular to-day. The 12th century Irish chieftain Donal Óg MacCarthy had a daughter of this name. Could it be they are one and the same? It’s a nice name! Katherine is my name, a variant of Catherine. It comes from the word for "wildlife," fiadhúrla. 2. Fiona/Fionnula = fair-haired, like the boy’s name Fionn/Fionnula was also a child of Lir. Saint Bronagh is a venerated figure in Co. Down, where the name is popular. In the Irish legend, Eimear was the wife of warrior legend Cuchulainn, and was said to have possessed the six gifts of womanhood, which are beauty, a gentle voice, sweet words, wisdom, needlework, and chastity. From a translation into Irish of the Latin Alba meaning ‘white’. There is no doubt that land division in Ireland is complicated. Like most Irish rivers, the name is associated with a female deity. Blath means ‘flower’, the name is generally understood to mean ‘little flower’. Anne is more of an English name, so is Ann and Anna. ‘bronach ‘ means ‘sad or sorrowful’ in Irish. People these days struggle with spelling Mary for heavens sake. It’s derived from an English given name Ceolsige, which meant “ship’s victory”. While names like Erin, Colleen and Shannon are often thought of as Irish names, they are rarely encountered in Ireland and are not traditional names. For example in Munster they say ‘Row-sheen’ for Roisin but in Ulster they say ‘Raw-sheen’. Pierce – Rock. Read More: These Irish baby names are becoming super trendy in the US. In some myths, she is the Queen of the Banshees. It means ‘life,’ but comes with all of the connotations of the name Eve, i.e. The name Kelsey is actually derived from Cenél, meaning brave. Many Americans think that Megan / Meaghan/ Meagan is an Irish name, but it is from Wales and would be Máiréad in Irish or Margaret in English. I believe it’s French, but not certain of that. There's no shortage of beautiful Irish language names for baby girls - here are just 50 of them!Â. ... Ireland's only female patron saint who legend has it turned bathwater into beer. (Fee=oh-na)/(Finn-ew-la) Their names may be a little odd to non-Irish readers, but they are also beautiful. She took the poet-hero Oisin as a lover and together they lived in the land of eternal youth, Tír na nÓg. Kate and Katie are variants. It is also associated with the name Aidan, which means “little fire.”, Read More: These were Ireland’s most popular baby names in 2019. Hi my name is Aifric, I like the name Bray for a girl. lol, Nice list of names! You need to also press the shift up arrow as well if its a capital.Â, Thank you I had I once had a person say to me I got the spelling of my daughters name wrong I spell it Aisling a girl in my class also spelt it that way with a fatha over the A. From the old Irish ‘ail’ meaning ‘noble.’. Thank you so much for the list.  I am in the prosses of writing a book that has 200 year old Irish names.  I was able to find the right one for the main caracter.  Aoife.  Thanks again. The female version of Brian meaning ‘hill’ though often said to be indicative of ‘noble or virtuous’. In Irish, “blath” means flower or blossom. My grandmother and particularly my great grandmother would call us a leanbh (Alana) or a chuisle mo chroí (a chusla ma Cree – meaning my heart beat). Annie is a popular girls name in Ireland, so is Àine. Anya Anne | Say: awn-ya Ní is an abbreviation of ní (from inghean, a daughter) and Í or Uí (genitive case of Ó or Ua); and Níc of Ní Mhic. Here is an article of Irish origin names to choose from. Meaning “slender” and “pure,” this tricky-to-spell name is both pretty and unusual. This comes from "rionach," and means "queenly. Irish version of both Alice and Elizabeth. This name means beautiful, radiant or joyful, and likely derives from the Gaelic word ‘aoibh’ meaning ‘beauty’ or ‘pleasure.’ In Irish mythology, Aoife is known as the greatest woman warrior in the world. Derived from the obsolete Old English name Cēolsige, a compounding of the elements cēol (a ship) and sige (victory). Ireland was one of the most forested regions in Europe until the trees were chopped down. Kelsey is not an Irish name; there is no “K” in the Irish language…, I am the only person I know with my name! Irish mythology has many powerful and interesting women. These are just some of some very common but old irish names. A variation of Orla, meaning ‘Golden Lady’. From the Irish words for ‘slender’ and ‘fair’. This name generator will generate 10 random Irish names and surnames. Although originally a boys name, Shannon is an extremely common girls name in Ireland. Irish Female Names For Puppies Aideen - Means Fire, a great name for a fiery redhead. My name is Keelyn and my name is also spelled keelin. I am not a hundred percent sure if they are traditional, I think Àine is. Read More: Irish names that are almost always mispronounced in America. Also Colleen is not an Irish name, nor is any name with a ‘K’ as it’s not in the Irish alphabet! It is another form or at least is pronounced the same as Aideen which is the common english spelling of the name. Many Irish rivers were named after Celtic Gods and Goddesses, but if there was a Goddess known as Clodagh nothing is known of her. He brought her to St. Comghall, who baptized her, transforming her into a woman. It has strong patriotic overtones and has only been in use since the 1920s. See if … My name is Adine im from dubin, Ireland. I dont know anyone else who spells there name in this way. Like most popular Irish Gaelic girl names, this one has strong links with Irish mythology. However, in America it’s more commonly referred to what horses or donkeys do. It is also sometimes used for girls whose fathers are called Aidan – the -een ending is a diminutive. Traditionally and to this day, suffixes may be used to qualify which generation is being referred to e.g., Ruaidhrí Mór and Domhnall Óg are readily understood suffixes. Carney – Victorious. Also spelled Orlaith, this name means “golden princess” or “golden sovereign” in Irish. This site is not stupid because it didn’t include one name. And Tierney means lord of the household!! Named for the River Clodagh, or Clody River, which runs through Co. Tipperary and Co. Wexford. This name means "slim and fair" or "slender," deriving from the Gaelic word for slender, which is ‘caol.’, Read More: Irish names that are almost always mispronounced in America. And…Aifric is the first hehehe!…..we win! Few Medieval towns in Ireland have retained their surrounding outer walls. Sort of like an adjectival form. Aoife – (EE-fe) Old Irish= Aife,a goddess means “beautiful,or radiant.” Aife = woman warrior After the hero Cu Chulainn, defeated her, she bore his only son, Connla. My mother was born there. This name means "swift." A very old Irish name meaning ‘beautiful or radiant’. That’s all i can actually be bothered to correct, so forgive me. Both the sister and daughter of Brian Boru were named Orla. The fada over the i lengthen the vowel so it is pronounced ee. The Aisling one kind of annoyed me, for good reasons. Sometimes the name is translated as “unity,” from “una,” the Latin word for “one.”, This is the Irish form of the Latin name Cecilia, the patron saint of music, and implies ‘pure and musical.’. Proportional Representation: How it Works. Traditional Female Irish Dog Names. “Ashling” is an English variant. Two origins: 1. Why am I reading all these comments in my head with an Irish accent? 🙂 Same with the Shannon. In Irish legend Aoife was the second wife of King Lir, and was so jealous of his love for the four children of his first marriage (to her sister) that she lured them to a lakeside and turned them into swans. HIOLAIR: Irish feminine form of Latin Hilarius, meaning "joyful, happy." After 900 years, returned to human form, they realised with great sadness that all their beloved father and all their family were long dead. Quigley – Shaggy. Other varients of the spelling include Afric(which is mentioned) and Afraic..The actual meaning behind the name is “pleasant”. The most popular 10 girls names in 1911 were Mary, Bridget, Margaret, Ellen, Catherine, Kate, Annie, Anne, Elizabeth and Maggie - accounting for just over half of all female names … If you really want nice names, check out irish legends, they’re full of  beautiful names with nice meanings and they are definitely irish. Some are in common use still, although there has been a definite trend towards ‘International’ names in Ireland and a move away from the old ones. Meanwhile close to a quarter of all Irish women in 1911 were called either Mary or Bridget. Sign up to IrishCentral's newsletter to stay up-to-date with everything Irish! I am American with Irish heritage.  Can anyone tell me if the Irish prefer Ann or Anne? From the Irish word ‘caomh’ which can variously mean ‘gentle, beautiful or graceful’. Denis and Donnchadh – and vice versa; this has been done for centuries, for simple convenience, phonetic similarity etc. In Irish ‘cara’ means ‘friend.’ – Do Chara means Your Friend and thus the name of this site! It’s actually from an Old English name, Why is my name not there and my sisters is, Your email address will not be published. The fada over the i lengthen the vowel so it is pronounced ee. Kilkenny and other names come from the Irish word for forest, “coill”. In Irish this name means “kernel of a nut or seed.” There were at least nine Saint Eithnes. I’d like to ask a question. List of Irish baby names, Irish babies names, Irish baby names and meanings has been compiled from various resources. It’s probably originally Greek, but is pretty international in various forms and if anything would be more considered a French name today. Some names are recent creations— such as the now-common female name "Saoirse," which is actually the Irish word for "freedom," and "Aisling," meaning vision, dream. Americans use the name colleen because they like it I suppose. Female celebrities with Irish names, such as Saoirse Ronan, Oona Chaplin, and Kerry Washington, have seriously contributed to the rise in popularity of these names in America. From the Gaelic word "caomh," this name means gentle, beautiful or precious. The Irish word is spelled Cailin. Other Irish girls names you might like: My great uncle’s wife is called colleen, born and raised in Ireland by Irish parents so that is nonesense. No Irish-speaking person would name their daughter Cailín or Colleen. The name is connected to fruitfulness and prosperity. Explore the Irish region in the names and choose a name that suits your little one. This name comes from the noun aine, which means "radiance, splendor, brilliance." Kelsey isn’t an irish name!!! Kira – throne; Erin – from the island to the west; Sheena – God is gracious; Rosalyn – pretty rose This name means pleasant, beautiful sheen of radiant beauty. Looking for the perfect name for your little one? My brothers have just agreed that all web pages lie… aren’t they sweet. Here are today's 100 most popular Irish language baby names, with their meanings and pronunciations - 50 girl names and 50 boy names. People outside Ireland have a hard time with the spellings, but oh well! By: Mal Rogers. My girl has a schoolfriend/neighbour of the name. Check out these Irish language baby names! One of several variants of Kathleen/Katherine. the mother of all the living. Note that in Irish there is no letter K, so it will always be spelt with a C. Feminised version of Ciaran, meaning ‘dark’. I’d always imagined it was a geoname; pulled off the R Brosna. Both the sister and daughter of Brian Boru had this name. Kelsey is definetly not an irish name!! Rather than go with a traditional dog name, you can pick a female Irish dog name that recognizes the culture and heritage of a storied country. (Kelsey is not an Irish name..). Another way to estimate the most common first names in America is to look at names of babies registered at birth with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Get more informed! nice list of names…, I think some of the info on this site  is wrong. This name means “intoxicating.” In the Irish legend, Meabh was the warrior queen of Connacht. Think of all the effort and hard work put into making this website. Aoibhinn means ‘lovely’, the name is also sometime a diminutive of Eve – ‘little Eve’. It’s misleading.Â. A phonetic pronunciation of the Irish word ‘cailín’, meaning girl. is an Irish name, but it is from Wales and would be Máiréad in Irish This is the Irish form of Margaret. This name means "freedom" or "liberty." The woman is supposed to be Ireland personified. I have never been able to find information on my Irish name ‘Cróna’, which is a saints name as in Co. Donegal there is lots of places called St.Crónas chapel etc. But I’ve only ever met one Cróna but lots of Bronaghs! Irish boy names are rising in numbers in the recent years. Please don’t spread your “knowledge” unless you know what you’re talking about please. Morrígan. Irish names have developed over the ages. Lol My Maiden name’s O’Malley.. Dad Irish but lots of German. I think that the “rock” interpretation is people assuming that is as a female form of Alan. Per my insisting! There are many girls in Ireland called Colleen!! Widespread Irish surname. You cannot possibly expect every single name to be on there…. Kelsey’s an English name. P.S I think people would prefer Anne. The feminine form of Ciaran, this name comes from the Gaelic word "ciar," which means dark. It could be an Old English place name meaning “Cenel’s island.” “Cenel’s Island” is a combination of the Old English word “cenel”, meaning “fierce”, and “eg”, meaning island. Check out our list of names with their meanings and take your pick for your little one. Please don’t give out. Hey this site can’t list all of the Irish girl names from a-c so unless you want to take the time to do it then stop saying this site is bad, My name is Bridgette, yes, but never considered myself high up, quite the opposite,s by and modest. In Irish it is more a term of endearment than a name (though used as a name now). Â, What bothers me is nobody is putting in the fáda which completely changes the pronounciation and meaning of some names. A Dara is compassionate while a Breanne is strong. Caitlin is pronounced like caught-lin, at least in the places of ireland i know. The irish translation is Bre (fada over e) meaning hill. Meaning radiance, luster or brightness. The name comes from the Irish ‘brigh’ meaning ‘powerful’ or ‘high one’. Where meanings are known they are given, but the reality is that many names have been in use for centuries and, in spite of what you may read on other sites, have no clear meaning or definite origin. Deity of the most popular name in the 20th century and animals multiply, she is the Irish word caomh... Explore the Irish word ‘ Cailín ’, which means dark possibly derived from an English given name,! Get occasional updates with news, events, offers and more to help you plan vacation! A variant of “eve, ” meaning “shapely.” in some Irish myths Cliodhna... Or Clody river, which is the Irish form of Alan say it ’ s Irish the wives of MacCool! Be translated as “innocent” or “blameless.” im from dubin,  Ireland. i dont know anyone who! €œShapely.€ in some Irish myths, Cliodhna is the first hehehe! ….. we win word Florentia, meant... S an old Irish ‘ ail ’ meaning ‘ all good ’ the same as Aideen which is the... 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